ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)
Home International Interface SIBER SIBER SSC-12 Meeting

SIBER SSC-12 Meeting

    Planned Attendees:

    SIBER SSC Members: Greg Cowie (Chair), Raleigh Hood(co-Chair), Lynnath Beckley, Jerry Wiggert, Mike Landry, Jenny Huggett, Francis Marsac, Birgit Gaye, P. N. Vinayachandran, Dwi Susanto, Makio Honda, Zainal Arifin, Mike Roberts.

    SIBER IPO Staff: Aneesh Lotliker, N.Kiran Kumar

    SIBER-12 will be held over Go To Meeting/Microsoft Teams/Zoom in conjunction with the IIOE-2, IORP, IRF, IOGOOS and IOCINDIO meetings.

    All times UTC

    ~ 10.30-10.40


    - Overview of agenda and SSC meeting goals.

    - Budget situation update, Report on IMBeR activities etc. (Cowie)



    - Review of membership and possible members to rotate off?

    Wednesday 23 March 10.30-12.30 UTC (SIBER BUSINESS MEETING)


    SIBER UPDATE: Overview of SIBER-11 meeting report(Cowie/Hood/Lotliker)

    - Review of SIBER-12 report.

    - Update on progress/status of previous meeting reports.

    ~10.50-11.15 UPDATE ON SIBER PRODUCTS:

    - Deep-Sea Research Special Issues on IIOE-2/110oE(Hood/Beckley/Cowie)

    - Biogeosciences review articles (Hood/Cowie)

    - Elsevier book on the Indian Ocean (Hood/Ummenhofer)

    - Other Special Issues related to IIOE-2/110oE/SIBER/IORP(All SSC members)

    - Progress on motivating additional SIBER review papers on the SIBER SPIS themes and other topics (Hood/Cowie).

    - Motivating IO Bubble-2 and Newsletter Articles(Cowie/Hood)



    Update on EIOURI.

    - Chinese cruises (Weidong/Cowie pending input from Weidong)

    - Japanese cruises (Honda)

    - Indonesian cruises (Arifin/Susanto)

    - Update re. Landry NSF cruise 2022 (Landry/Beckley)

    - Others?

    Update on WIOURI/SOLSTICE (Huggett/Roberts)

    - Summary research and cruise activity and other developments

    Update on proposals submitted and planned for other IIOE-2 activities(All SSC).

    - Indian cruises and programs?(Lotliker/Vinayachandran)

    - German cruises (Gaye)

    - French cruises (Marsac)

    - South African cruises (Huggett)

    - UK cruises (Cowie)

    - Korean Cruise in 2022 with US participation/RAMA (Hood)

    - Menezes et al. funded by US NSF to study deep water circulation south of Madagascar (Hood)

    - ITF cruises (TRIUMPH and MINTIE) (Susanto/Hood)

    - Indonesian support for RAMA and new MOU (Hood)

    ~ 11.45-12.25 Other Business

    - Expanded SIBER representation and involvement with IMBeR(Cowie)

    - Plans for SIBER post-2025 (Cowie/Hood)

    - Revisions to SIBER science plan - hot topics and challenges(all SSC)

    - Other

    ~12.25-12.30 Wrap up