ESSO-INCOIS-Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)
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Right to Information Act

The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) is an autonomous body under the Ministery of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India and was registered as a Society under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Public Societies Registration Act 1350 Fasli at Hyderabad on February 3, 1999. The affairs of the Society are managed, administered, directed and controlled, subject to the Bye laws of the Society, by the Governing Council.

Organization Structure of ESSO - INCOIS w.e.f. 21st December, 2020

INCOIS structure

Activity Grouping:

In order to achieve operational and research efficiencies across the full spectrum of activities encompassing the institutional mandate and future aspirations, INCOIS activities and human resources are re-organised into three Groups and eight Divisions, with key personnel and responsibilities as follows:

Group Division Prime Responsibilities
Operational Ocean Services & Applied Research (OSAR) Operational Ocean Services (OOS) Ecosystem Services (Potential Fishing Zone, Coral Bleaching Alert, Harmful Algal Bloom) and Multi-Hazard Early Warning Services (Tsunami Early Warning, Storm Surge Early Warning, Ocean State Forecast, High Waves, S & R, Oil Spill, etc.)
Applied Research and Research to Operations (ARO) Service Enhancements, Research to Operations, Product Validation, User Engagement, Commercialization
Ocean Observation, Modeling & Data Assimilation (OMDA) Ocean Observation Network (OON) Ocean observation Platforms, Process specific observations
Ocean Modeling & Data Assimilation (MDA) Ocean and Coastal Modelling, Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Modelling, Data Assimilation, Model enhancements through process studies
Information & Communication Technology and Data Management (ICTD) Ocean Data Management (ODM) Data Acquisition & Processing, Quality Control, Data Products
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Computing Facilities, Communication Facilities & Ground Stations, Application Software Development, Engineering Services & Estate Management
........ Program Planning & Coordination and Capacity Development (PPC) Program Management, Communication & Outreach, International Affairs, Regional Centres, ITCO-Ocean Programmes, Competency Development, Academic Programmes, Knowledge Resource Centre
........ Executive Support Services (ESS) Accounts & Finance, Purchase & Stores, Personnel & General Administration